Photon Media Playlist: “The Workforce and Workplace”

The radiation oncology “job market” was a founding interest of The Accelerators and Photon Media. Simul’s famous VVPN speech and The Graypeace Article sparked our flagship podcast and inspired our mission to bring balance to discussion of the workforce through mainstream radiation oncology channels.

Later, Dr. Jason Beckta started Out Of The Basement, an educational podcast anchored in radiation medicine. In our unbiased opinion, his show offers the most well-rounded and in-depth commentary on the workforce in our field. Don’t miss the RVU-U episodes, his multi-episode practical series on contracts, billing and coding.

For a taste, we’ve compiled a list of our favorite “job market” episodes below:

  • The Accelerators, The One About Jobs. One of our most popular podcast episodes. The Accelerators host a #MedEd job market round table with the field’s foremost experts on the topic: Drs. Jason Beckta, Todd Scarbrough, Chirag Shah, and Emma Fields.

  • The Accelerators, The One About Jobs, Boost: Using Radiation Facility Volumes To Assess the Job Market. Todd returns and brings along data guru Nick Zaorsky for a spin-off conversation on radiotherapy utilization in the US and what the data can tell us about “the job market”.

  • Out Of The Basement, “Big Mood”. What has prevented open and in-depth analysis of the RadOnc workforce over the last decade? Dr. Jason Beckta explains.

  • The Accelerators and Out Of The Basement, "RadOnc Workforce: Economic Modeling Strikes Back". An episode so important that it was simul-cast (ha) on both Photon Media platforms. Dr. Todd Scarborough returns to the podcast to discuss ASTRO’s highly anticipated workforce study.

  • The Accelerators, “LeBron Wasn’t Created in a Day”: Inclusion With Julianne Pollard-Larkin. Dr. Julianne Pollard-Larkin, medical physicist, service chief of the thoracic physics group at MD Anderson Cancer Center, and chair of the EDI Committee of the AAPM joins the show to talk about inclusion in the workplace. Warning, this episode may make you want to quit your job and work for Julie.

  • The Accelerators, The Sensitive Striver Oncologist: In Conversation With Melody Wilding. Executive coach and Author Melody Wilding joins The Accelerators with Drs. Neil Newman and Christina Henson for a book club on a #RadOnc favorite. We discuss how physicians and leaders can foster mental health at work.


Photon Media Playlist: “Policy and Organized Medicine”


Photon Media Playlist: “The Senior Resident”